Hi Leap! Would you please briefly introduce yourself?
Hey Brother! Yes, my name is Aron Pfitzner from Budapest, Hungary. A drummer, producer, Dj from the Hungarian underground. That was brief I guess :)
I think your name now is widely recognised in the deeper dubstep scene. Following DJ Madd and Matt-U’s global success, you were the next Hungarian dubstep artist to garner international attention. Where and how does your story start? How did you first get into the dubstep scene?
Thank you for the kind words. As every new music genre and trend gets slower into Middle-Eastern Europe I think it was already 2010 when I heard dubstep first. That was actually the early brostep hype which blasted but I heard it for the first time that this music has wonderful attributes and rootsOf course after the first shock I was digging deeper to educate myself. That was also the time I started producing 140 bpm music.
You are also part of a sound system collective called Rebel Bass Crew. What should we know about your gang?
We are nice guys grown up next to the beautiful Lake Balaton (Veszprém) delivering quality bass music and organizing sound system gigs in Hungary. First we started to play only the deeper side of dubstep but as we were growing and evolving during the years nowadays you can easily catch a reggae/dub, drum an bass, halftime, breakbeat or jungle set as well in an RBC gig. If my brothers are silly enough we might get some trip hop, psy-dub or techno into the system :D
Could you please briefly introduce the system itself? Fill us in on what makes it tick.
We wanted to have a “versatile” system that sounds good on dub but also performing well with psytrance. This is a compromise, but we’re shooting for the long range and constantly upgrading the system. We’re about to install 2pcs 18” Void speakers for the Hog scoops, while having 2 pcs of 18sound (18”) woofers for the kick range, built into a slightly modified ES-18 bandpass horn (a’ la Elektrikal Soundsystem). The subs and the kicks are driven by a PKN XE series amp, and the 2 MT-130 midtops are about to driven by a Crown amp, routed and tuned with a DBX unit.
FZP03 was your first vinyl release and it sold out in less than five days. Give us some feedback on how it felt seeing that.
Having my music on wax and seeing that fans and dubstep lovers also loved it was an amazing experience what I wanted to feel since years.. and also want to feel more :) I have to say thanks a lot for this opportunity and thank you for your support and trust in my sound.
Do you think it is important to keep the physical format alive?
It is absolutely important. In today's fast-running world when tons of music come out in every single day vinyl could mean a quality filter. It is also a prestige for every producer and label. Besides all of these I love putting on a vinyl instead of clicking on a lossless :)
On what labels did you release music before FZP?
The first label was ASAN , the only Hungarian artist and bass music collective. I can thank those guys a lot as I started almost everything there. After a few releases at ASAN I was lucky to get attention at Silent Motion, Sub Audio, Indigo Movement and mighty Frozen Plates haa haa.
When did you start doing music production, and what is your production method?
As I remember I started to dropping notes into Reason in 2009 with one of my good friend. Since that time I changed to Ableton. Producing method? Well it is changing of course but as a drummer I always start with the beat, percussion than bass. After these I am quite open to record instruments, effects or using my keyboard to fill up the tunes. I love experiments like recording the vibration of wine-glass as a pad or using handpan or flute and a high dose of reverb to reach background noizes :) Basically after the bass and beat there is no “method” at all.
Some big boys, like Kromestar, have played out your tunes. This is a big thing! Thoughts please.
First thought: I love those heroes who still act and live like a normal average guy. Second: I have to say thank you to Dub Phase family bringing Kromey into Budapest so that I could give him my tunes on a drive. Fortunately he really liked Tell’em and playing it all around the globe :)
When did you start djing? What kind of formats and gear do you have a preference for?
Our first RBC gig was in 2013. As I mentioned earlier I love vinyl but if I am travelling to play somewhere I prefer using timecode so that I can play my best vinyls and also all digital tracks.
What has been your most significant experience as a dj?
I loved to play in the basement of ‘Instant fulfilled with English and Dutch travellers and I also loved Afterhills festival this year a lot! I played a set in a silent disco as well, It was a funny experience :D But to be honest I had the best feelings in traditional RBC gigs in our hometown among all my friends and family shaken by our custom built sound system.
You are from Hungary. Could you please give us some insight into the Hungarian bass music scene?
Well it is a hard question. We actually do not have a healthy underground bass music scene here in Hungary. There are many closing venues and almost no opportunity for a proper sound system event. Because of that there are many lets say ‘inactive’ crews and collectives. Only drum and bass is working well but it rather serves the mainstream needs. Apart from these the psy-trance and techno culture is blooming at the moment.
How do you feel about the dubstep/140 music scene in your area?
I am so excited and happy that since years we can hear many astonishing music and sound from all around Europe. Also these nations and cultures leave their mark and vibez so they literally shape the sounds of dubstep. Nowadays bass music is not the privilege of the UK :)
Who do you think are the most influential and cutting-edge producers of late?
I am so impressed by the sound of Hebbe, Nova, Pharma, Headland, 3WA, Foamplate … and many more! I am also happy that Hungary have Cadik, Malz and Banyek in the house and I am also cherring up to Töki who will definitely grow bigger than me :D Fortunately I am not jealous and even can rejoice in the success of others , go for it Töki!
Do you listen to any other music genres besides dubstep?
Many of them. From classical music to goa :D I love all music which is quality! Viennese classics, Ambient, tribal and folk music, funky, dub, reggae, hiphop, jazz, indie, dubtechno, breakbeat, drumandbass, techno, psy-trance, experimental … They are from the same tree.
Do you have any forthcoming releases? What are your plans for the future?
I have only one track coming out -a collab- with a great Hungarian rapper/artist I do not want to highlight now. I also did a beat for a grime-collective for a kick off video. Plans are: I would like to work on new material which can be released on wax of course but I also started my alterego project dealing with psy-chill music. I think you can hear more about that in 2020. So many plans but so little time for this :)
Could you please recommend a few djs, producers, and sound-system crews from Hungary?
Yes of course! Rozsomák (dj), Malz, Bergi (dj), Cadik, Zosha (dj), Gumilap (dj), Confused (dj), Benc (dj), Banyek, Illrock, Zsola, Vrama, Infi, Zomblaze, Planetmalcolm, Dub Personal, Sabw, LAU, Dj Ren, Incident, Longman, MGL, Spinline, Walen Delon, lust, Iamyank, Yapo, Töki, Display, Sematic4, Atomik, Mesterházy (dj), Bazzs (dj) and Bkov (dj)… Crews: Dub phase, Dubapest Hi-Fi, ASAN family, Bladerunnaz, Madthing, Dub Flyers, Tilos Radio family, Vibeee, Celofán Kollektíva and Rebel Bass Crew
If we bassheads were to go to Hungary, could you recommend any venues, club nights, and/or festivals that would be criminal to pass up?
To be honest not this time. We used to have good parties in many places, like Mono, Kontra, Instant, also had a Bass Camp festival, many ground shaking sound system events in Dürer Kert but they are all shot down. If you are lucky enough you can catch nice Dnb sets in the top of A38 ship and impassioned bass music sets at bars –without enough sound- like TELEP, Roots, Kabin, Ambient.
Please recommend five tunes and a dj mix that should be essential listening for every human being – the sort that would leave your life incomplete if you’d never heard them!
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/leapdubz
Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/leapdubz
Mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/leapdubz/
Bandcamp https://leapdubz.bandcamp.com/